New Exhibition Space. Bank of Spain Madrid

New Exhibition Space. Bank of Spain Madrid

Technical Data
New Exhibition Space. Bank of Spain Madrid.
MEDIO MUNDO Arquitectos. Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.
Rehabilitation of ancient Building area for an exhibition centre.
Cultural. Rehabilitation and Exhibition Design
Central Bank o Spain. Madrid.
Bank of Spain / Banco de España
Jose Pedraza, Daniel Reyes
ELITE ingeniería, Ernesto Murillo: MEP
Toni Rueda: Lighting
Jose A Lubiano: Cost planner

Bank of Spain Madrid was first build according the design of architects Sainz de la Lastra and Eduardo de Adaro, commissioned after studying the buildings of other European banks. 1883 the Final project was approved. The first stone was laid on July 4, 1884, and the monumental building was inaugurated in 1891.

The Cibeles Room has a great importance from the origin of the building, usual access at the point of confluence of Calle Alcalá and Pº del Prado, until the beginning of the nineties. Access through chamfer smelting gate is made by two exclusives that open on the sides of the atrium and connect with the side adjoining rooms, since access from the street is not direct to the room, but forms a lobby.

The main area is a high-rise room in which the columns stand out, which is flanked symmetrically by two adjoining rooms that also give Alcalá and Pº del Prado respectively, which expand the space of the central hall to be communicated through broad steps.

The Chamber was renovated in 1992, with the project written by Angela Garcia de Paredes and Ignacio Pedrosa.

In 2018 Bank of Spain commissioned Marta Pelegrin and MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos to lead the Final Design and Building Permits Technical Design for the rehabilitation and retrofitting of Sala Cibeles, C / Alcalá, 48. Paseo del Prado. Madrid. It consist in the Technical development Fit-out works & Shop drawings management, for the retrofitting of the Sala Cibeles to hold the Bank of Spain Art Collection, the premier exhibition “Goya and the Origin of the Bank of Spain Collection” , and to fit it for all possible future exhibitions. This project proposes to recover and optimize the operation of the facilities of lighting, security, detection, signalling, alarm and fire extinguishing elements and existing air conditioning.

“Sala Cibeles” Banco de España

Exhibition Design, “Audiosphere” Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Exhibition Design, “Audiosphere” Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

Technical Data
MEDIOMUNDO Arquitectos. Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.
Exhibition Design
Interior Design. Exhibition and furniture design.
Reina Sofía museum and art center. Madrid
Jose Pedraza, Sergio Rodríguez, Leonardo Muñoz, Álvaro Arrans
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía.
Antoni Rueda. Lighting
José A Lubiano. Cost planner
Joaquín Cortés/ Román Lores (Archivo  MNCARS) y MEDIOMUNDO Arquitectos

Marta Pelegrín & MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos  have been Commissioned Final Design & Technical Development of fit-out works, advisors and supplier’s management, as well as onsite construction quality surveillance coordination, for the exhibition on Audio Contemporary Social Art curated by Francisco López Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum: April – September 2020, in in the 3rd floor Sabatini Building Reina Sofia Exhibition galleries.

“The objective of this exhibition is to present to the public interested in contemporary art not only a plethora of unknown audio-artists (many of whom have extensive careers spanning decades), but also – and crucially – contents and experiences for a broad reflection on a monumental social process of artistic change in the field of sound creation.

This exhibition also aims to cover a historical and cultural vacuum in the recognition, exhibition and analysis of a essential part of the changes in the artistic conception of work Creative with sound. This poor representation is largely due to the persistence of classic paradigms – significant but overwhelming – stories as the “pioneers”, the “avant-garde”, the linear-chronological (or monophyletic) and, in the specific case of contemporary art, naturally also the Prevalence of the visual and the objectual. This exhibition will therefore present a critical and constructive reconsideration of these paradigms and their effects in the understanding and practice of creative artistic work with sound.

Health Sciences Faculty (Granada)

Health Sciences Faculty (Granada)

Technical Data

MEDIOMUNDO Arquitectos. Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.

Health Sciences Faculty (Granada)
Classroom blocks, offices, laboratories, administration and common areas
Granada. Spain
2006 competition. 2007-2009, executing projects. 2010 beginning of construction
Educational, University
16,000 m2
Granada University
Elite Ingeniería (Instalations), TEDECO Ingenieros SL (structure). Arqs. Técnicos J. A. Lubiano, J.C. Castro.
F. Orizia, M. López de Asiaín, P. Pérez, A. López, O. Navarro, A. Cuadrado, A. Babio, D. Asencio


In 2007 MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos won third prize in a competition launched by the University of Granada to design their Health Sciences Campus in Granada. The prize was the commission to design one component of the project: the design of the Health Sciences Faculty.

Located on the new Health Sciences Campus in Granada, the MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos design of the Health Sciences Faculty aimed to construct a building that would act as a connecting point or nexus for different scales, dynamics or landscapes located between the urban and metropolitan territory. The urban norms and regulations for this area determined that faculty buildings must be made up of three floors measuring 130 m in length and 19 m wide, rounded off by an eight-floor tower measuring 40 m by 19 m. Is it possible to convert this determinism into a positive variable?

Connected to areas of high urban mobility and accessibility, the Health Sciences Faculty needed to incorporate entrances on either end in order to channel the flow of people moving in and out of the campus to and from the urban surroundings.

Because of this we designed a building that offers different scales of perception, permeability, density, continuity and fragmentation. In order to comply with bioclimatic parameters in each sector of the building, our plan includes several open spaces and terraces that favour an interior-exterior relationship. In our design, the roof is transformed into a sunny recreational area with landscaped gardens.


COMPETITION – Salt Lake City – Spaces in Between

COMPETITION – Salt Lake City – Spaces in Between

Technical Data

MEDIOMUNDOArquitectos Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.

Salt Lake City – Spaces in Between
Urban rehabilitation
Salt Lake City
96.863 m²
AIA Utah Young Architects Forum and
the Downtown Alliance SixtyNine Seventy Task Force with Utah Heritage Foundation
José R. Guerra
Bernardette Soust
Martina Maier
Martyn Sutcliffe
Aleisa Santacruz
Jake Barrow
Jack Wates
Alberto Babion
Jorge Tinoco
José Martínez Fernández
David Rico Candón

Project description

The intervention proposal for the new district 69-70 bets to change the ‘growth model to make our cities sustainable. Culture, connectivity, energy and information are the key aspects. 

The main idea is articulated to the following themes:
ENVIRONMENTAL EQUILIBRIO: The proposal breaks the ‘consumption cycle’, making each block self-sufficient and sustainable. Each block will balance its inlet and output of resources in terms of O2 and CO2, energy production and water recycling.
The average urban environment in Salt Lake City has a CO2 emission of 22.96 metric tons per year pc (2010 ), with an energy consumption of 8.72KW / h pcd, h20 consumption of 128g pcd . Each block intends to break this resource consumption by achieving a high level of sustainability and self-sufficiency.
CITY AS PROCESS: The intervention strategy develops over time, uniting temporary and permanent actions that consolidate the environmental objective. It proposes the definition of “intermediate spaces” and spaces for temporary uses”, creating new ENVIRONMENTs, which will support the EvolutionAL CHANGE.
ACCESSIBILITY AND CONNECTIONS: “Culture has become technology and technology has become culture”. We propose to develop, manage and work for a city that is culturally, physically and technologically interconnected.
CULTURE OF INFORMATION: As a strategy to improve the ecological culture of the city, it is proposed to automatically capture the data to be shown to the owners of the city, government officials and its occupants simultaneously. This will allow them to see and control their direct impact on the environment, favoring the INTERNET concept of CITIES.

Placer en la Disciplina

Placer en la Disciplina

Realizado con motivo de la celebración de los 10 año de existencia del Taller de proyectos “Danza” de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de Montevideo, la publicación recoge los momentos y textos de la producción del Taller con mayor implicancia en la construcción de un futuro vital para la arquitectura y el urbanismo.
En este contexto la contribución de Mediomundo Arquitectos reivindica la importancia del proyecto de arquitectura desde una visión abierta a la vez que específica.

Universidad de la República /. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (FADU), Uruguay /Taller Danza

ISBN 978-9974-0-1396-4
Año 2016
Pag.240 a 243