
2017   Shortelisted  Premis FAD Barcelona 2017 Publication, Critics and Thinking section
Work awarded: Book “Architecture set: everyday life prepositions “.
Institution: Premis FAD Barcelona International
Date: 2017

bienal exhibition 2016

2016     BEAU XIII Award Best Exhibition Display.
Work awarded:  EXHIBITION DISPLAY “Architecture set: everyday life prepositions “.
Institution: Ministerio de Fomento. Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectura y Edificación.
Date: 29/06/2017

bienal Publication 2016

2016     BEAU XIII Award Best Research Publication Category.
Work awarded:  Book “Architecture set: everyday life prepositions“.
Institution: Ministerio de Fomento. Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectura y Edificación.
Date: 29/06/2017.

2016    1º Andalucia Interior Design Award Design of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Granada
Work awarded:  Interior Design Faculty of Health Sciences, Granada
Institution: AAD AWARDS Diseño Andaluz
Date: 2016

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Work awarded:  Auditorium Seat “Alejo”
Institution: AAD AWARDS Diseño Andaluz
Date: 2016

2015 11 05 certificado premio CEMEX 1 sustentable
2015    International 2º Award “XXIV Premio obras CEMEX 2015” in Best Sustainable Building Category for the Faculty of Health Sciences, Granada
Work awarded:  Faculty of Health Sciences, Granada
Institution: CEMEX S.A.
Date: 2015

2015 11 05 certificado premio CEMEX 1 sustentable
2015    International 2º Award “XXIV Premio obras CEMEX 2015” in Best Institutional/Industry Development Category for the Faculty of Health Sciences, Granada
Work awarded:  Faculty of Health Sciences, Granada
Institution: CEMEX S.A.
Date: 2015

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2015    Honorable Mention at COAS AWARDS (Spanish Architects Registration Board) for the 32 Social Housing in Conil, Cadiz.
Work awarded:  32 Social Housing in Conil, Cadiz.
Institution: COAS AWARDS (Spanish Architects Registration Board)
Date: 2015

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2015    Marta Pelegrín finalist of “The European Women In Construction & Engineering Award”, Wice Awards, U.K
Work awarded:  own carreer
Institution: WICEAWARDS
Date: 2015

2015    Marta Pelegrín finalist of “Emerging Woman Architect of the Year Award”, Architectural Journal, U.K.
Work awarded:  own carreer
Institution: Architectural Journal, U.K.
Date: 2015

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2015    Winner at WAN Awards 20+10+X 18th Cycle for the Project Macarena Social Centre.
Work awarded:  own carreer
Institution: WAN Awards 20+10+X
Date: 2015

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2014    3rd Prize at “DAYLIGHT SPACES” International Competition for the project “New Faculty of Health Sciences in Granada”.
Work awarded:  New Faculty of Health Sciences in Granada”
Date: 2014

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2014    Selected Project: New Faculty of Health Sciences in Granada. Internacional Week of the Efficient Construction Rehabilitation. “Architectural Process.” (IFEMA Feria Madrid),
Work awarded:  New Faculty of Health Sciences in Granada
Institution: Ministerio de Fomento. Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectura y Edificiación “Architectural Process.”
Date: 2014

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2014    Shortlisted Research Team at IX Latin American Biennial of Architecture
Work awarded:  Urban Attributes  Comparison  between urban dynamics in Andalusia and various regions of Latin America”.
Institution: IX Latin American Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism
Date: 2014

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2013    VI Endesa Awards for most Sustainable Development. Finalist.
Work awarded:  “New Faculty of Health Sciences in Granada”.
Institution: VI Endesa Awards
Date: 2013