This fifth book of the White Chair Collection includes the work carried out in the Architecture Projects Workshop of the ETSA of Seville directed by the architects Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra, Antonio Cruz and Antonio Ortiz in the academic year 2011/2012.

Following the commitment to raise real situations in the city of Seville, the Vázquez Consuegra Workshop proposes students to expand the Archaeological Museum of Seville. The intervention involves the opportunity to consolidate, restore and eliminate unwanted additives, open the building to the park environment and solve functional problems that were never properly resolved.

The Cruz y Ortiz Workshop aims to project a civic center in a suburban area of ​​Seville, characterized by low density. It is sought that this new urban equipment works as a meeting place, generating a civic center, as well as a sports center. The concentration of a diversified program in a high-density building will lead to its conversion into a meeting point for those who come looking for leisure, culture and sports activities.

The Associate Professor of the Project Department of the ETS. Architecture of Seville and Coordinator has been Marta Pelegrín and were assistants: Dávide Olivieri and José Ortiz.

It includes an appendix with the posters corresponding to the presentations of the exercises and conferences given by invited professors: Elisa Valero, Enrique Sobejano and Jean Pierre Pranlas. This edition incorporates the statements of the exercises developed translated into English. Concept and editorial project: Paula Álvarez Coordination of the edition: Marta Pelegrín They edit: ETSA of Seville, Vibok Works

Concepto y proyecto editorial: Paula Álvarez
Coordinación de la edición: Marta Pelegrín
Editan: ETSA de Sevilla, Vibok Works
Fecha de publicación: Octubre de 2013
ISBN: 978-84-941464-8-0
Depósito legal: CO-1303-2013
Nº Páginas: 48
Formato: 20×27 cm 
Idiomas: Español/Inglés