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MEDIO MUNDO Arquitectos. Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.
Carlos V Palace. La Alhambra, Granada
2017 CONCURSO, 2017Proyecto, 2017 Obra
The José Guerrero Center and the Patronage of the Alhambra and the Generalife show in Granada, an anthological exhibition of the artist Luis Gordillo.
Marta Pelegrín and MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos are commissioned to design the exhibition and adaptation of the Temporary Show Museum’s Rooms at the Charles the V Palace.
The exhibition “Luis Gordillo: General Confession” is presented as an anthology that covers all the stages of the Sevillian artist from the late fifties to his most recent works. Throughout his career, Gordillo has maintained a permanent creative tension that has made him a reference painter in the Spanish art scene and a symbol of the vitality of painting.
This is the most important exhibition about Luis Gordillo after the MACBA anthologies (1999) and the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum (2007). In this exhibition, about two hundred pieces are gathered and a journey through almost six decades and all its creative stages.
The exhibition follows a chronological development grouped by specific rooms that take into account the following stops: their automatic drawings in relation to informalism; their heads related to British pop with tricuatropatas, pedestrians and motorists; the drawing as the backbone of his production of the 70s along with his experiences with the photographic image and seriality during most of that decade; the 80 marked mainly in the series of Los Meandros; the 90 grouped around one of his most important paintings Snow White and the fierce Pollock; in the 2000s with new experimentations in media and techniques giving access to digital, to end the journey with a new series of heads made in 2015.
The exhibition is co-produced by the following institutions: the Guerrero Center, the Alhambra and Generalife Patronage, the Andalusian Center for Contemporary Art, the Galician Center for Contemporary Art in Santiago de Compostela and the Koldo Mitxelena Kulturenea center in San Sebastián.