Technical Data
MEDIO MUNDO Arquitectos. Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.
CEIP Arrayanes
Primary School
Granada, Spain
2010 Concurso, 2011 Proyecto
2265 m2
ISE Andalucía_ Junta de Andalucía
Alberto Babío, Daniel Asencio, Fabio Orizia.
Elías Pérez Lema, Tedeco Ingenieros, Elite Ingeniería
The project is a result of an open national competition that MEDIOMUNDO achieved the first prize on September 2010. The promoters of the project were the public body of Andaluz Infrastructure and Educational Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía, in Spain. The project interventions concentrate on the two existing buildings:
In the first intervention the rehabilitation of the existing kindergarten includes new classrooms, a new Early Childhood Center and Primary type C1, and creates a new classroom block consisting of 6 elementary classrooms and common services (administration, teachers offices, lounge is generated multipurpose , library, gym , bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. ..) . The existing building is transformed to comply with the new demands of use, accessibility and energy efficiency, and an access gallery connecting the two buildings. The new classrooms are placed so as shelters and outdoor children protected playground spaces to join the building entry that maintains the traceability between them. It also optimizes the energy demands of the whole set and makes more efficient interventions.
The second intervention is about the rehabilitation and restoration of the primary education facilities of the Official School of Languages, so as to satisfy the standards and energy demands. New classrooms, administrative spaces are formed as well as a new gym, new linked garden and dining room.
Both interventions are connected by a large garden that embraces spaces for recreation and game purposes. It has been redesigned to accommodate playground, sports courts and green spaces for meetings, simultaneously improves the entire environmental performance.