Technical Data

MEDIOMUNDOArquitectos Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.

Urban Project: identity, connectivity, sustainability, landscape design
Alcorcon, Madrid. Spain

Urban planning and public spaces
Alcorcón Town Council
Mario Ortega Gómez (Mog), Jesus Villata
Fabio Orizia, Antonio Alanis, Aitor Vega

In 2011 MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos made the following project for the EUROPAN competition.

     ‘re-cycle’ is to generate a new urban cycle for Alcorcón that creates a sustainable support for lacing production, natural, social and construction systems.
The thread of the regeneration of the area will be the free space qualified and productive, which shall convert the rural glen into an urban glen highly qualified and connected with the existing space.

     In order to achieve it we work in in the following differential aspects:
> ensuring self sustentability of material and energy resources
> get an intensive connectivity
> create a support of production and processing of raw materials
> consolidate the existing and proposed natural systems
> bet at cultural social and celebrations
> create an residential habitat and productive area favoring hybridization of uses

     Each of these objectives is developed in a supporting space of multiple variants. It has materials defined specifically and proposed management system that ensures the achievement of these objectives as well as the ‘sustainability’ in time. To visualize this, the following a ‘matrix’ relations and spaces.

     Pick one proposal summary of results of the urban planing: we propose a procedural management, brought up to different levels of management. Your codes are:
1. Densification with hybrid use (residential and industrial) along road east-west as it croses the cañada.
2. Focus assignments of public space of each parcel to the glen, ensuring development of a ‘generous’ section that allows multiple use. It has to be the main stream of social activities, cultural and productive.
3. Making the rest of public space in free production space: greenhouses, orchards, recycling.
4. Provide building ratio to ??the existing industries (‘by means of equipped bands) and holding in similar spaces compatible uses as a result of a10% of free area.
5. Manage to 50% of the residential building as innovative and creative and productive uses 50% and comercial