PROJECT: Palace of Charles V. The Alhambra, Granada.  Exhibition Design, Devices, Lighting and Scenography of the “Exhibition commemorating the Centenary of the Cante Jondo Competition, Granada”. 

PROGRAMME: Design of exhibition spaces, devices, scenography and lighting. 

PLACE: Palace of Carlos V. The Alhambra, Granada.  

DATE: 2022

Surface area: 600m2

Promoter: Patronato de la Alhambra. Andalusian Regional Government. Department of Culture.

Collaborations: Architect Fabio Orizia. Architect. Jose Carlos Castro.

DESCRIPTION: “Tinglado del cante jondo”.

García Lorca, in his famous play “Así pasen cinco años” urged us to “remember towards the future”. Thus, Federico García Lorca and Manuel de Falla, among others, proposed to promote popular and gypsy singing with the organisation of the Concurso de Cante Jondo in 1922, a meeting of popular music artists in the exceptional setting of the Patio de los Aljibes, in the Alhambra in Granada, which projected them from their radical contemporaneity into the future. 

The documentation for the exhibition brings together photography, painting, publications, musical instruments, dresses and costumes, recordings (video and audio) which were housed on supports designed by MEDIOMUNDO architects.  

The concept developed for the space in the rooms of the Palace of Charles V makes it possible to enjoy these documents by generating an unregulated spatial sequence. The visitor, guided by the continuous rhythm achieved by the sequence of supports, walks through them linearly, according to the proposed theme, or alternating his own reading, depending on the documentation and his interests. 

The construction is presented lightly, like a shed built in wood, in the manner of a back room or behind the scenes shed, without detracting from the elegance, the rhythm and the pregnancy of raw materiality, wood, that mark out the Palacio de Carlos V.  

The curator demanded a recreation in the room of the stage where the competition was held on the night of 10 July: at MEDIOMUNDO we decided to make a “theatre within the theatre”, a scene within a showcase, as a free interpretation of the materials that signified the stage sketched by Zuloaga: cypress garlands, myrtle pots, nea chairs, the flamenco dresses designed and sewn for the occasion, the guitars, the lanterns from Granada, embroidered shawls and hats of those present, under the tree and the full moon of that memorable day.  A “tingaillo” with a stage is designed for these elements, which brings them together with video and audio recordings of contemporary performances.  

The exhibition spaces document the prolific production and influence of the competition, designs and posters of following celebrations and venues, medals, texts, recordings, collected in a newspaper library on display that envelops the visitor with “memories into the future”.




DESIGNERS: MEDIOMUNDO architects Fernando Pérez, Marta Pelegrin + Antonio Marin.

Date: 2021-2022

Promoter: Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofía.

Location. Floor 3a of the Sabatini building, Museo Nacional Centro De Reina Sofia.

The spaces on the 3rd floor of the Reina Sofia, where MEDIOMUNDO architects already worked on the design of the AUDIOSFERA exhibition. 

Accompanying the production of Pedro G romero for the exhibition of his work at the Reina Sofia Museum develops project as “arrangement” and “editing” of the materials and works of the artist and equipment with which the work is produced. 

In the MNCARS catalogue “The exhibition also includes a project created specifically for the occasion, an installation and scenography conceived as a square and documentary space where different performances will take place as a recovery of texts by Guy Debord, set to music and versioned by the artist (…). Pedro G. Romero interpellates some of the creators who have allowed him to work in the artistic direction of the bailaor Israel Galván, with Niño de Elche, Rocío Márquez or Tomás de Perrate, among others (…) The exhibition is conceived as a device that generates and configures stories through the association of works, documents and materials”.





PROJECT: Refurbishment and extension of a Sevillian house.

PROGRAMME: Building on the existing, sustainable rehabilitation. 


DATE: 2019-2021.

Other technical experts: Ernesto Murillo, Industrial Engineer

Technical Architect or Quantity Surveyor: Jose Antonio Lubiano.

Built area (m2): 260m2

Developer: MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos.

The concept in this project can be synthesised as “support” or “leaning”: it is built by “leaning” on the existing architecture (according to the structural lean- structural concept for this link: it permits “all possible movements, avoiding excessive stress”.

The objective has been to maintain and conserve the existing architecture, typical of a house with a courtyard “patio” in Seville, and to build an extension for a dwelling and terrace, optimising the materials and prioritising its bioclimatic and therefore sustainable functioning.

The courtyard space is extended beyond the regulations to ensure sunlight and double air circulation, refreshed by the garden of virgin vines, with lemon tree and acanthus in the flowerbed, which together with the original water quelle and the conserved well ensure the necessary coolness. 

The dwelling is built as a light structure of metal pillars and slabs, lean on top of the foundations and load-bearing brick walls.  All interior spaces are open, only glass and some enclosing partitions the wet areas give a privacy gradient to it. The plot perimeter walls are equipped with facilities an installations and they define the domesticity of cooking, resting, working and playing.

New Exhibition Space. Bank of Spain Madrid

New Exhibition Space. Bank of Spain Madrid

Technical Data
New Exhibition Space. Bank of Spain Madrid.
MEDIO MUNDO Arquitectos. Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.
Rehabilitation of ancient Building area for an exhibition centre.
Cultural. Rehabilitation and Exhibition Design
Central Bank o Spain. Madrid.
Bank of Spain / Banco de España
Jose Pedraza, Daniel Reyes
ELITE ingeniería, Ernesto Murillo: MEP
Toni Rueda: Lighting
Jose A Lubiano: Cost planner

Bank of Spain Madrid was first build according the design of architects Sainz de la Lastra and Eduardo de Adaro, commissioned after studying the buildings of other European banks. 1883 the Final project was approved. The first stone was laid on July 4, 1884, and the monumental building was inaugurated in 1891.

The Cibeles Room has a great importance from the origin of the building, usual access at the point of confluence of Calle Alcalá and Pº del Prado, until the beginning of the nineties. Access through chamfer smelting gate is made by two exclusives that open on the sides of the atrium and connect with the side adjoining rooms, since access from the street is not direct to the room, but forms a lobby.

The main area is a high-rise room in which the columns stand out, which is flanked symmetrically by two adjoining rooms that also give Alcalá and Pº del Prado respectively, which expand the space of the central hall to be communicated through broad steps.

The Chamber was renovated in 1992, with the project written by Angela Garcia de Paredes and Ignacio Pedrosa.

In 2018 Bank of Spain commissioned Marta Pelegrin and MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos to lead the Final Design and Building Permits Technical Design for the rehabilitation and retrofitting of Sala Cibeles, C / Alcalá, 48. Paseo del Prado. Madrid. It consist in the Technical development Fit-out works & Shop drawings management, for the retrofitting of the Sala Cibeles to hold the Bank of Spain Art Collection, the premier exhibition “Goya and the Origin of the Bank of Spain Collection” , and to fit it for all possible future exhibitions. This project proposes to recover and optimize the operation of the facilities of lighting, security, detection, signalling, alarm and fire extinguishing elements and existing air conditioning.

“Sala Cibeles” Banco de España

Health Sciences Faculty (Granada)

Health Sciences Faculty (Granada)

Technical Data

MEDIOMUNDO Arquitectos. Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.

Health Sciences Faculty (Granada)
Classroom blocks, offices, laboratories, administration and common areas
Granada. Spain
2006 competition. 2007-2009, executing projects. 2010 beginning of construction
Educational, University
16,000 m2
Granada University
Elite Ingeniería (Instalations), TEDECO Ingenieros SL (structure). Arqs. Técnicos J. A. Lubiano, J.C. Castro.
F. Orizia, M. López de Asiaín, P. Pérez, A. López, O. Navarro, A. Cuadrado, A. Babio, D. Asencio


In 2007 MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos won third prize in a competition launched by the University of Granada to design their Health Sciences Campus in Granada. The prize was the commission to design one component of the project: the design of the Health Sciences Faculty.

Located on the new Health Sciences Campus in Granada, the MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos design of the Health Sciences Faculty aimed to construct a building that would act as a connecting point or nexus for different scales, dynamics or landscapes located between the urban and metropolitan territory. The urban norms and regulations for this area determined that faculty buildings must be made up of three floors measuring 130 m in length and 19 m wide, rounded off by an eight-floor tower measuring 40 m by 19 m. Is it possible to convert this determinism into a positive variable?

Connected to areas of high urban mobility and accessibility, the Health Sciences Faculty needed to incorporate entrances on either end in order to channel the flow of people moving in and out of the campus to and from the urban surroundings.

Because of this we designed a building that offers different scales of perception, permeability, density, continuity and fragmentation. In order to comply with bioclimatic parameters in each sector of the building, our plan includes several open spaces and terraces that favour an interior-exterior relationship. In our design, the roof is transformed into a sunny recreational area with landscaped gardens.


SAN FRANCISCO MOVIE THEATRE (Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz)

SAN FRANCISCO MOVIE THEATRE (Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz)

Technical Data

MEDIO MUNDO Arquitectos. Marta Pelegrín + Fernando Pérez.

San Francisco Movie Theatre (Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz)
Theatre and cinema
1st Prize
Theatre, Rehabilitation
1.333 m2
Junta de Andalucía (Regional Government of Andalusia), Cadiz Provincial Council and Vejer Town Council
SITIO arquitectura, D. Brieva
TEDECO Ingenieros, Instalaciones: DiMArq S.L., equipamiento escénico: INDUSTRIAS MAQUIESCENIC S.L.
Quantity Surveillor: G. Sandar
Lindiman, N. Pintos

In 2002 MEDIOMUNDO arquitectos won the comission to design a movie theatre in Vejer de la Frontera after taking part in a competition launched by the Junta de Andalucía. The project was completed in 2009. The bried involved rehabilitation an existing but practically obsolete cinema in an old warehouse to convert it into a theatre and cinema.

How can one recover and reactivate an area with an exceptionally beautiful urban landscape and rich cultural heritage? We decided to renovate the existing facilities and proposed a process to recover the historical and sociocultural surroundings of the building itself. While the original cinema existed with its back to the urban setting, the new movie theatre opens onto the street in dialogue with its surroundings.

The project brings together the urban conditions surrounding it. In it we proposed a building whose materials and traditional construction methods work in tandem with sophisticated theatrical and scenic technology to form pary of a new skyline that functions in direct relation with the architecture of Vejer.

The creation of a functional scenic space necesitates the construction of a voluminous building to house all the facilities required. In this case the movie theatre stands out amongst its domestic surroundings. Its construction created a new point of reference in the existing skyline, as well as providing a place from which to look out at the town and surrounding landscape.

The previous structure was separated from the exterior with thick walls that housed a huge empty space (cinema screen and seating area) surrounded by a corridor that gave access to the amenities.

The movie theatre opens out onto the street via a double-height lobby along the façade. The two floors are connected with a naturally lit central staircase via laylights.

While the previous cinema had one level of seating, the new movie theatre multiplies the seating by locating stalls on two floors. On the ground floor the projection booth divides the two main entrances to the theatre. Visitors are invite to their seats while their gaze is drawn to the distinctive black box that is the stage.

The changing rooms, actors toilets and service entrance are located at stage height on both sides of the movie theatre. On the upper level are located the administrative offices.